Pirrparr, Great Sandy Desert

I was born in the 1930s at Pirrparr in the Great Sandy Desert and lived there with my parents and
grandparents. My father had three wives. My brother died when I was a baby and my family left
Pirrparr and walked into Old Balgo mission. I grew up around the mission, moving between Billiluna
and Yagga Yagga.
I married and moved to Wangkajunga with my husband and baby son Albert. I have one sister and
three brothers, who have all passed away except a brother who lives at Billiluna.
I attend an Adult Education centre in Wangkajunga which was set up in 1994 to teach basic
numeracy, literacy and spoken English. We were able to use the art materials there and so I began
to paint. The Wangkajunga artists have been exhibiting since 1994.
After that I began painting for Mangkaja Art Centre at the studio in Fitzroy Crossing and back at